Beatrice Avenue, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6PA
(01983) 292872

Working Together for a Successful Future


Since Queensgate Foundation Primary School opened in 2010 we have been inspected by Ofsted three times and on each occasion the inspectors graded our school good across the board.

Here are some of our favourite quotes from our last Ofsted inspection which took place in July 2019.

“Ably supported by your senior leaders and governors, you lead a talented school team that shares your ambition for all pupils to achieve success.  You have a detailed understanding of your school and you reflect carefully on pupils’ learning and personal development in order to select actions that will further improve your provision.”

“Pupils told me that their teachers expect them to work hard and I (inspector) confirmed this to be true when we visited lessons.  Their workbooks show that they are currently striving to achieve high standards.”

“We observed some exciting learning taking place in the Reception classes.  Children talked animatedly to each other while engaging their outdoor learning activities.  The adults questioned children carefully, encouraging them to express their thinking clearly.”

“The overwhelming majority of parents and carers are confident that their children are safe.  They say that it is easy to talk to staff about any concerns.  Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when they are online.  They know what bullying is, including cyber-bullying and what to do should it happen.”

“Teachers have implemented new strategies for teaching reading and writing with skill and enthusiasm.  This has resulted in remarkable improvements to current pupils’ achievement.”

“You have extended the curriculum purposefully by introducing frequent “out and about” activities to give pupils regular opportunities for exploring places of interest on the Island.  The visit provide pupils with the inspiration to communicate their learning.  The aim is to support pupils with a rich bank of experiences that deepen their language comprehension.  During the inspection, parents commented favourably on this initiative and the introduction of Forest-school sessions on ‘The Patch’ for children in Reception.”

Ofsted Report